Postlethwaite C. M., Ashwin P., Egbert M. D. (2024) A Continuous Time Dynamical Turing Machine IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Egbert M. D., Hanczyc, M. M., Harvey, I., Virgo, N., Parke, E., Froese, T., Sayama, H., Penn, A., Bartlett, S. (2023) Behaviour and the Origin of Organisms Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biospheres
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E. (2022) Using enactive robotics to think outside of the problem-solving box: How sensorimotor contingencies constrain the forms of emergent autononomous habits Frontiers in Neurorobotics 16:847054. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2022.847054
Garner J. , Egbert M. D. (2022) Embodiment Enables Non-Predictive Ways of Coping with Self-Caused Sensory Stimuli Frontiers in Computer Science 4:896465. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2022.896465
Woolford F. M., Egbert M. D. (2022) Goal-oriented behaviour with a habit-based Adaptive Sensorimotor Map Network Frontiers in Neurorobotics 16:846693 doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2022.846693
Egbert M. D. (2021) Self-preserving Mechanisms in Motile Oil Droplets: A computational model of abiological self-preservation Royal Society Open Science. 8:210534.
Egbert M. D., Jeong V., Postlethwaite C. M. (2020) Where computation and dynamics meet: Heteroclinic Network-based controllers in Evolutionary Robotics in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31(4) pp. 1084-1097, April 2020, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2917471
Egbert, M. D., Gagnon J-S., Pérez-Mercader J. (2019) From chemical soup to computing circuit: Transforming a contiguous chemical medium into a logic gate network by modulating its external conditions Journal of The Royal Society Interface 16(158).
Egbert M. D., Keane, A., Postlethwaite C. M., Wong, N. (2019) Can Signal Delay Be Functional? Including Delay In Evolved Robot Controllers Artificial Life 25(4) 315-333.
Egbert M. D., Gruenert, G., Ibrahim B., Dittrich, P. (2019) Combining Evolution and Self-organization to Find Natural Boolean Representations in Unconventional Computational Media Biosystems, 184, 104011.
Woolford F. M., Egbert M. D. (2019) Behavioral Variety of a Node-Based Sensorimotor-to-Motor Map Adaptive Behavior
Shitut S., Ahsendorf T., Pande S., Egbert M., Kost, C. (2019) Nanotube-mediated cross-feeding couples the metabolism of interacting bacterial cells Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14539
Egbert M. D., Gagnon J-S., Pérez-Mercader J. (2018) Dynamic modulation of external conditions can transform chemistry into logic gates Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 15(144), 20180169
Egbert M. D., Pérez-Mercader J. (2018) Methods for Measuring Viability and Evaluating Viability-Indicators Artificial Life, 24(02), 106–118
Agmon, E., Egbert, M. D., & Virgo, N. (2018) The Biological Foundations of Enactivism: A report on a workshop held at Artificial Life XV Artificial Life, 24(1), 49–55
Egbert M. D., Pérez-Mercader J (2016) Adapting to Adaptations: Behavioural Strategies that are Robust to Mutations and Other Organisational-Transformations Scientific Reports, 6, 18963
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E. (2014) Modeling habits as self-sustaining patterns of sensorimotor behavior Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(590
Barandiaran X. E., Egbert M. D. (2013) Norm-establishing and norm-following in autonomous agency Artificial Life. 20(1):5-28
Egbert M. (2013) Bacterial Chemotaxis: Introverted or Extroverted? A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Basic Forms of Metabolism-Based and Metabolism-Independent Behavior Using a Computational Model PLoS ONE. 8(5):e63617
Ibrahim B., Henze R., Gruenert G., Egbert M. D., Huwald J., Dittrich P. (2013) Spatial rule-based modeling: a method and its application to the human mitotic kinetochore Cells, 2(3): 506-544.
Egbert M. D. (2013) For Biological Systems, Maintaining Essential Variables Within Viability Limits is Not Passive – Open peer commentary on the target article "Homeostats for the 21st Century? Simulating Ashby Simulating the Brain" by Stefano Franchi Constructivist Foundations, 9(1):109-111
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E., Di Paolo E. A. (2012) Behavioral Metabolution: The Adaptive and Evolutionary Potential of Metabolism-Based Chemotaxis Artificial Life, 18(1):1-25
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E., Di Paolo E. A. (2010) A Minimal Model of Metabolism-Based Chemotaxis PLoS Computational Biology. 6(12):e1001004
Egbert M. D., Di Paolo E. A. (2009) Integrating Autopoiesis and Behavior: An Exploration in Computational Chemo-ethology Adaptive Behavior, 17(5):387-401


Skuljan, N., Erb C., Egbert M. (2024) Dynamics of human exploration of novel sensorimotor contingencies. Accepted to appear in proceedings of ALIFE 2024
Morrison S., Erb C., Egbert M., Gurr M., Nicholson-Brown A., Lee D. (2023) Exploring the Dynamics of Cognitive Control using Virtual Reality Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45
Egbert M. D. (2023) Playing and Being Played by the Drums. ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference.
Kolezhitskiy Y., Egbert M. D., Postlethwaite C., (2022) Stochastic Analysis of The Viability of a Protocell 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Singapore, pp. 1537-1544, doi: 10.1109/SSCI51031.2022.10022293.
Woolford F., Egbert M. D. (2022) Investigating a Minimal Categorical Perception Task with a Node-Based Sensorimotor Map From Animals to Animats 16: The 16th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Egbert M. D. (2022) Towards Adaptive Sensorimotor Autonomy: Developing a system that can adapt to its own emergent and dynamic needs Artificial Life Conference Proceedings
Garner J., Egbert M. D. (2022) Is Prediction Required? Using Evolutionary Robotics to Investigate How Systems Cope with Self-Caused Stimuli Artificial Life Conference Proceedings
Woolford F., Egbert M. D. (2020) A Precarious Sensorimotor Sequence Reiterator for Modelling Enactive Habits Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 32, 771–779.
Kolezhitskiy, Y., Egbert M. D., Postlethwaite C. (2020) Dynamical Systems Analysis of a Protocell Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 32, 699–701.
Egbert M. D. (2020) Marangoni Based Motile Oil-Droplets in Simulated Artificial Chemistry Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 32, 260–262
Egbert M. D. (2019) Real-Time Visualization and Interaction with Computational Artefacts Abstract accepted for oral presentation at MethAL workshop at ALIFE2019.
Egbert M. D., Kolezhitskiy Y., Virgo N. (2019) Steering the Growth of Adaptive Self-Preserving Dissipative Structures in Fellermann H., Bacardit J., Goni-Moreno A., Fuchslin M. (Eds.) The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life 2019. No. 31, 255-262
Zarco M., Egbert M. D. (2019) Different Forms of Random Motor Activity Scaffold the Formation of Different Habits in a Simulated Robot in Fellermann H., Bacardit J., Goni-Moreno A., Fuchslin M. (Eds.) The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life. No. 31, 582-589
Egbert M. D. (2018) Investigations of an Adaptive and Autonomous Sensorimotor Individual The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life: A Hybrid of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) and the International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), 343-350
Egbert M. D., Keane A., Postlethwaite C. (2017) Lag in Situated, Embodied and Dynamical Adaptive Systems In: Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL, (pp. 130–137) MIT Press.
Egbert M. D., Pérez-Mercader J. (2016) Quantifying Viability In Artificial Life 15: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press.
Egbert M. D., Canamero L. (2014) Habit-based Regulation of Essential Variables In: H. Sayama, J. Rieffel, S. Risi, R. Doursat, & H. Lipson (Eds.) Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems
Egbert M. D., Gruenert G., Escuela G., Dittrich P. (2013) Synthetic signalling protocell networks as models of neural computation In P. Lio, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL (pp. 248–249)
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E. (2011) Quantifying Normative Behaviour and Precariousness in Adaptive Agency In: Lenaerts T., Giacobini M., Bersini H., Bourgine P., Dorigo M. & Doursat R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press
Egbert M. D., Barandiaran X. E., Di Paolo E. A. (2010) Behavioral Metabolution: Metabolism based behavior enables new forms of adaptation and evolution In: Fellermann H, Dorr M, Hanczyc M, Laursen LL, Maurer S, Merkle D et al., (Eds.), Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. (pp. 213–220). MIT Press
Egbert M. D., Di Paolo E. A., Barandiaran X. E. (2009) Chemo-ethology of an Adaptive Protocell: Sensorless sensitivity to implicit viability conditions In G. Kampis, I. Karsai, & E. Szathmary (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL. (pp. 242–250).Springer, Berlin
Virgo N., Egbert M. D., Froese T. (2009) The Role of the Spatial Boundary in Autopoiesis In: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL09. (pp. 234–242), Budapest, Springer Verlag
Egbert M. D., Di Paolo E. A. (2008) Mechanisms of adaptation to periodic environmental change In M. Schlesinger, L. Berthouze, & C. Balkenius (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (Vol. 139, pp. 141–142)Lund University Cognitive Studies


Egbert M. D. (forthcoming) Robots are machines and thus are both super-human and sub-human Chapter in J. Cejkova (Ed.), Robot100 a book that marks the 100th anniversary of the word "robot" with a collection of essays from scientists and other disciplines.
Egbert M. D. (2019) Realtime Visualization and Interaction Toolkit Source Code This is a free Python-based framework built on top of that I developed to visualize and interact with my computational models.
Virtual Seminar Series (2015--ongoing) ENSO Seminars A collaboration with Marek McGann.